Marin County is one of the most beautiful places in America, and that means there is almost no end to the amazing outdoor activities you can participate in. One of our huge community activities is cycling, running and hiking, and boy can you tell. The second you step outside you'll probably see someone running or cycling by. It's so important around here that there are a great variety of clubs and groups you can join, and comprehensive maps to help you pick which trail or view you'd like to see.

Cycling isn't just for outdoor recreation either. Many people commute to work or do errands by cycling or walking, and to help facilitate that there are trails and paths that you can take to almost anywhere in Marin or beyond. And things are always being improved and upgraded, with Marin County taking advantage of a federally funded grant program called the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program (NTPP), a $25 million federal grant designed to get more people outside and getting healthy. Their website has news and statuses of upcoming projects and is a great way to leave feedback on projects that you'd like to see done.

Are you new to the area? I found a great blog that is dedicated to the love of cycling and seeing the sites, and it covers a breathtaking amount of trails and sights that can only be seen here in Marin. They take you from San Francisco all the way up to China Camp, (I raised my two sons literally in China Camps' shadow for 25 years!), with beautiful pictures and detailed descriptions about the routes and sights to see along the way. It's by a couple who bike all over the Bay, so if you're interested in investigating more than just the North Bay, they've got you covered.

Joining a club is a great option too, you can meet new people and really get an insiders view to the backroads and local gems. There's a club for just about every town and different clubs may have different atmospheres, so feel it out and see which one is best for you.
The Marin County Bicycle Coalition is a great community of people dedicated to the love of cycling. Their website is the premier place to find trails, maps, resources, volunteer... Whatever has to do with cycling, you name it, they have it. Want to know a kid friendly and safe route to your nearby school? They've got it! It's an amazing resource to keep on hand, and being a member has some serious perks. You get 5-20% off at bike stores and other local businesses, free admission to member parties, weekly emails about events and news and so much more. There's a membership plan for anyone, starting with a $50 yearly subscription and up.

Lastly, but certainly not least, we have an exciting new addition to the Marin cycling scene, the Marin Museum of Bicycling! Located in Fairfax, construction is underway, and the museum should be opening early this year. Not only is it a museum of bicycling, but it is the proud new location of the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame that has been located in Crested Butte, Colorado since 1988. It has been a passion project for those involved for a long time, and promising things are sure to come with the opening of this awesome new attraction. You can even go to their website and purchase a membership right now in anticipation of it's grand opening!
If being physically active and cycling or walking outdoors is important to you, you can't find a better community than Marin to live in. Below is my list for all the websites I talked about in todays blog.
Have a great weekend!
~ Kelly Cranmer Valadez