Friday, December 18, 2015

Giving Back: KCV A Unique Boutique

We love the holidays around here, and spending time with family and remembering the intangible things that make us happy and fulfilled is what it's all about. But we also keep in mind that not everyone has that luxury, and we like to try to help spread as much help and love around as possible this time of year.

Once again I volunteered to wrap presents for the Hospice by the Bay, and it was an awesome day for a great cause. But this year I went a step further as well. I realized I had an opportunity to give back even more directly to Marin families in need, and I started my own charity, KCV A Unique Boutique.
Our logo, graciously donated by Anne Doyle.
In just a few short months I managed to plan out our goals, announce our drive and pick up the items, spread the word to local charities, and finally host the event.

Justin helping set up.
Justin and Megan
Finished displays, waiting for patrons.
On Saturday the 12th we opened our doors and welcomed our patrons to pick out clothes, shoes, jewelry and other accessories. I had contacted some local charities to spread the word, Adopt A Family, Canal Alliance, Center for Domestic Peace, and Homeward Bound; it was a joy working with them and I love that we had so much local support and guidance.

We had such a great time and I am always so grateful to be able to be in a position to help others. There were so many wonderful people that helped out along the way, and I know I've thanked a lot already, but I have to give special thanks to Anne Doyle again for help setting up and shuttling people who needed it. Also, thanks to Amelia Nemzer for help and shuttling, and to Megan McCurdy and Justin Woodall for help, support, and just being wonderful!

It may seem daunting to start up something like this, but taking things one step at a time was key to not being overwhelmed and quitting. If I can inspire anyone to do something like this this holiday season or maybe even for next year, then I know I'll have spread as much love and joy around as I possibly could, and we could always use more of that.

I hope you have a warm and joyful holiday, surrounded by those you love, like me!

~Kelly Cranmer Valadez

Links to the charities mentioned:

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