Friday, April 17, 2015


Another week, another busy schedule. This app we use to make our graphics, Canva, has been quite the learning experience. However, we're never ones to stick to one thing, so we'll be trying new ones in the months to come to see which ones we like best, and then we'll share that info with you, of course.

Canva has had its uses, and it's great that it's free, but it has limited designs and the styles aren't as crisp or professional as I'd like it to be. It also has had a few glitches which has made us delete and re download the app, at least once so far. However, our information wasn't lost, so that's a plus. It's also relatively easy to navigate.

Here's a little something that was put together in a few minutes yesterday, one of our own photos combined with a graphic of mine that was run in Marin magazine a little while ago. I thought I'd share and see how you like it.

What are your thoughts?

Have a great weekend!

~Kelly Cranmer Valadez

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