To Stage or Not to Stage?
Great question. Staging your home helps potential buyers envision what their furniture would look like in the home. An empty home can be intimidating. Clearing clutter, taking down personal photos, applying a fresh coat of paint, making minor repairs and keeping a pleasant aroma are all basic techniques to make your home appealing.
Improve the flooring. Wood, tile and new carpet can be a show stopper. If the flooring is chipped, torn, or dirty you'll get the opposite reaction from buyers. They may thing your home hasn't been cared for properly, which could result in a lower offer or no sale at all.
Staging does not have to cost an arm and a leg, simple changes with your own furniture can make a world of difference. If you are interested in a few recommendations for Staggers in Marin County, please feel free to email me.
Some information was courtesy of Re/Max copyright 2009